It is recommended that most Oil fired Agas or Rayburns should be serviced every six months and all Gas/Solid fuel fired Aga and Rayburns should be serviced annually in order to ensure smooth
running and safe operation of your appliance.
Open Fire place service and Bird nest removal.
A modern, sealed sweep ensures that your flue is safe and unclogged by bird nests, soot build-ups and any other debris that might have dropped down from the chimney pot.
Multi fuel stoves Servicing
As per manufacturers instructions, an efficient stove is serviced once a year and the chimney is also swept. guidlines are that If you are burning wood, ensure your chimney
is swept at least twice a year.
Biomas System Service
Biomas heating process does actually create infinitesimal fly ash. Over time, fly ash, soot and creosote build up and can rapidly reduce the diameter of the flue - which obviously
reduces the capability to perform.
We are located at:
IP12 3AH
Contact us today!
If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us: